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In this episode, we explore how negative self-talk, comparison, and perfectionism can damage your sense of self-worth. You’ll learn why comparing yourself to unrealistic standards leads to frustration and how societal pressures, including the self-help industry, often fuel this cycle. Instead of chasing unattainable ideals, we’ll dive into how you can embrace a God-centered identity and develop self-compassion. I’ll also share practical steps to break free from comparison, find contentment, and recognize your true worth in Christ.
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Subscribe To Dr. Sharla's YouTube Channel (https://www.youtube.com/@DrSharlaWalker)
In this episode, we explore how negative self-talk, comparison, and perfectionism can damage your sense of self-worth. You’ll learn why comparing yourself to unrealistic standards leads to frustration and how societal pressures, including the self-help industry, often fuel this cycle. Instead of chasing unattainable ideals, we’ll dive into how you can embrace a God-centered identity and develop self-compassion. I’ll also share practical steps to break free from comparison, find contentment, and recognize your true worth in Christ.
Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/rxforpurpose/donations
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Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy